As an Ex-Moderate-Republican I can say that at least one of us has now seen the foolishness of the whole ‘trickle-down economics’ for the scam it is. I will admit that during the early 1980s it seemed to me like it might work. But as I was paying attention to what the economy did vs. what the right-wing pundits said it did, I noticed that the growth didn’t match the tax cuts it matched the productivity and wage growth. Surprise, the pundits of all stripes ignored that even as they were talking about how the Economy was more Consumer Spending than anything else since the middle of the 1980s. I would have thought that was a hint that a strong Consumer class was more important to the Economy than an active “Job Creator” class. But I guess it wasn’t as evident as I thought.
Honestly, I kept voting Republican through the 1990s more from inertia than anything else, although I didn’t like Bill Clinton at all when he first ran for President. The ‘Tea-Party’ finally drove me out of the GOP and Trump has driven the final stake in the heart of any thoughts I had of going back. While Iowa and their disaster of catering to the “Job Creators” drove the final stake into the possibility of my going for a third party “GOP-Lite.”