I have been wondering if maybe this time the Democrats are playing the Republicans. My reasoning is this, ‘Socialism’ is the boogeyman to everyone old enough to have lived through the cold war. Us older folks think ‘Communism’ or USSR when someone says ‘Socialism,’ but if you were less than say ten when the USSR collapsed what you do think of when you hear Socialism? You think of the Republicans going off on a rant again, talking about a government program that probably helps you or someone you know. You tune out the GOP and maybe pay attention to the program they car calling Socialist. Think of what happened to ‘Obamacare’ the GOP and their propaganda arm spent over eight years ranting that it was Socialist. Well, as of right now they have had to back off because they got whacked in the nose like a bad puppy for trying to touch the program.
Just a thought, since the Democrats have shown a surprising level of political insight lately. It may be illusionary, but they might have gotten their act together.