I think the problem is that most people don’t want “new” tech. They are having problems dealing with the tech they already have. What we need is some way to make the tech we have more natural to use. Unfortunately, that is almost entirely a software and interface issue. So big electronics shows are not where we will see advances until after we have seen them at the software shows. The attempts at revolutionary UI changes have run up against processing and weight limits, hard. Having an interface like what is in the Iron Man movies is doable, unfortunately, it takes a supercomputer and a twenty-pound headset to pull it off. So until and unless some of that level of tech — mainly the display tech, gets smaller and lighter there isn’t going to be another significant burst of new consumer level stuff.
The way I see it, there are a few upcoming techs that could break loose that consumer market again:
- High power low weight batteries. Something with 10x the power storage to weight ratio of the current batteries would see a massive jump in portables. Even beyond what we have now.
- Real wireless charging. This would be even better than #1, actual wireless charging from a distance would let devices get smaller and lighter for the same runtime or longer.
- Higher resolution, higher quality display technology, this is the death of all current Augmented and Virtual Reality, the display is not good enough, and the headsets are too heavy. Fix this problem, and those techs have a chance.
- Figure out the software issues with consumer grade software that is not crap. Frankly, too many companies are using their customers as Alpha testers anymore. If we had done this back in the ’80s or ’90s we would have been fired, why are today’s customers putting up with it? When I use an App or web page that has bugs I give it a bad review and report the issue. If they don’t fix it, I stop using the product. Don’t let companies get away with giving you crap; you don’t do this for orange juice or cars why are you doing it with phone apps or computer software?
Anyway, interesting article, thanks for the coverage.