I wish I could help, depression like this is one of the most insidious illnesses. For me it hides out as ‘I am just tired,’ ‘I’ll get to this later,’ ‘If I sit in a dark room I’ll feel better,’ and ‘if I pull the pillow over my head maybe the world will go away.’ Unfortunately for us none of those things happen, at least for me I feel worse the more I give in to the depression. I can’t speak for anyone else with the disease, but my defense has been keeping a schedule. If I make myself get out of bed, shower, dress and eat first thing in the morning no matter how badly I want to hide from the world, it makes the next step of doing anything else somewhat easier. If I resist the temptation to stay up late at night, then it is easier to get up in the morning without submitting to the depression.
Good luck fighting your depression and I hope you find some tools that help you.