Interesting article, you are more optimistic than I am. I think that we have a small chance to move our species out of our childhood and into space before as a species we kill ourselves. Unfortunately, reading the comments to this article, I see more of the attitude that has kept us on earth before than the vision that would let us grow past our cradle. For every person below who said something positive it seemed, there were four or five that were convinced it cost too much or was too late or one of the other standard excuses. Well, the trade-off is, extinction or leave our homeworld. It’s that simple. There are too many things that can kill a planet, and we are sitting on just a single planet. When one of these things happen, the human race is history, period, end of story. That has been true and known for over seventy years and still, it’s ‘too expensive’ and ‘too hard’ well, we are close to the point of killing ourselves, congratulations the naysayers may be right, it may now actually be too late.