My frustration with this is nearly boundless. I spent all of 2016 warning my coworkers, family, and friends that there was a fundamental difference between Trump and every other candidate. They ignored me, and well over two-thirds of them voted not for Trump but against Clinton. I spent the last three-plus years writing on medium and trying to have discussions with my family and friends about how Trump is different from ordinary politicians and how dangerous he is to the country. It has been like yelling into a giant empty void, my friends and family are sure he is doing exactly what he says. The problem is I agree with them, only they somehow see what he says he is doing as a good thing, while I see it as the overthrow of the United States. Somehow, between watching Fox Propaganda, and reading only Facebook news feeds, they have managed to go from intelligent, aware people to cult followers in less than five years. It is insane.