No problem, I understood that my off the cuff analysis was likely flawed. I was only pointing out that sometimes the individual details are overlooked in the broad sweeps of polling data. I did note that my information was from a tiny subset of one small group of people so was not likely to be accurate. I had just found it interesting that I had a similar conversation in the last few weeks with three different groups of college students who almost all flat out said if Warren ran they would vote for her before they voted for Bernie. Which surprised me since they were all enthusiastic Bernie supporters in 2016, several of them traveling out of state to attend rallies. So there is a subset of young, college or just post-college age people who are enthusiastic enough about Sen. Warren to speak up unsolicited to one of their friend’s parents.
Just an interesting note. It doesn’t offset the polling data, of course, adding additional depth to the overall picture developing of 2020 election.