Private NuGet Packages

Tom Chizek
6 min readJul 27, 2020
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Introduction and Definitions

What do I mean by private NuGet Packages? I mean, a package that you manage using the standard NuGet tools hosted on a local machine or server. This category of package goes from something that a single developer uses to simplify the management of the libraries that they use for individual development — up to major corporations that have dedicated teams that maintain corporate standard libraries that every software team must include in their projects. Between these extremes is an entire spectrum of uses for this tool. I will cover how to create and use these packages and what some ways I have found them to be useful. As an additional note, for people who are interested in sharing their work with other developers working out the issues as a private package is advised before you publish it to the public NuGet site.

Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels

Setting up your project as a Package

There are some minimum steps that you need to do to have a project work as a NuGet package. First, it must be a library of some sort, I have only done this with class libraries for .Net Framework, .Net Core, and .Net Standard, but there doesn’t seem to be anything in…

