Member-only story
Rough weekend
So, I have had a hell of a time writing anything for the last three days. I have been fighting depression, a lack of motivation, and a lack of the spark that makes me feel my writing. Several times I sat at my computer and started to write. I would get a sentence or a fragment out, delete it, write a completely different starting sentence, delete it, then start over. I also tried editing several stories or articles I have in various states of completion and couldn’t find anything to add, change, or edit that wasn’t worse than what I had already written. But at the same time knew that I hadn’t thought these were worth publishing yet, so I wasn’t willing to just post them in the hope that somehow, they had gotten better over the last several days.
I would go back to watching videos or reading someone else’s stories. This has gone on since Saturday afternoon, just lack of anything resembling motivation or spark. So, I am sitting down and writing another rambling, confusing, state of mind article. Hoping that this will kick me off of a dead stop and let me write something today. I need to write, I can feel it, but my brain is not cooperating for some reason. This seems to be helping a little. I can feel my mind limbering up and starting to turn over again. With any luck, this means I can write more than this today.
Thanks to anyone who reads this!