Member-only story
The Future is a Kaleidoscope
Perception and bias are insidious things. It is incredible how the same event seen through the filters of perception and bias is like a kaleidoscope of different events, all somehow happening at the same time and place but having completely different descriptions, attendees, results, and aftermaths. These differences cause problems when people with different perceptions talk about these events. They talk past each other. Because, while they might be talking about the “same” event in physical space and time, the facts they saw and describe them are different. So, we get Native-American religious protests over non-native corporations’ use of sacred lands described by non-native news as “anti-corporate protests.” Complete with interviews of Native leaders by non-native reporters. Both of whom talk past each other, the reporter not understanding what the Native leader is saying, and the Native leader unable to put their religion into terms that the non-native can or is willing to follow.
These differences happen naturally, even without the help of spin-doctors, fake-news, or propaganda. I see things through a different lens of experience and bias than someone with a different life. I have tried throughout my life to expand my perception and reduce my bias. But, I am well aware of the limits, I am what I am, a late fifties, college-educated, white, male, who has been upper-middle to lower upper…