The thing with the idea of living in a simulation is that there are three possible end states of the simulation.
First, we reach the level of science, philosophy, and technology that lets us make modifications to the simulation. This path is the end state that represents the traditional science fiction universe because with that level of control we could manipulate reality to allow faster than light travel, terraforming along with many of the other staples of SF.
The second is that the entities monitoring the simulation reset it before we are allowed to reach the state needed to control the simulation. We would not even be aware of this path. The universe would restart at some earlier time. Maybe with a patch to solve the issues that allowed intelligence to detect the simulation.
The third is that we are living in the simulation after the patch. Here we are living in Universe 2.0 or higher. This path means that we will never be able to prove that we are living in a simulation. This path also means that we will be stuck with the set of physical laws programmed into the simulation initially. So, unless the developers included loopholes to allow FTL, we are limited to lightspeed.