There are a couple of problems that I have with your analysis. I think you are overstating the difficulty based on the same fallacy politicians worrying about non-citizens voting yell about. The short way of stating this fallacy is that there are not enough possible illegal voters to sway an election, there are a total of between 10 and 11 million total undocumented immigrants in the country as of 2016. That is total, including both adults and children. In the same year, there were between 245 and 246 million potential voters in the united states. That is just over 4%; there are areas where it would be higher than that and areas that it would be lower than that. That is the worst case, assuming all of the undocumented show-up and vote.
So no verification allowed? Who cares? We went 170+ years with no confirmation of the right to vote., Until 1920 there was no concept of illegal immigration between the USA, Mexico, and Canada. Border what is that? Voting? Sure it is possible the US citizens voted in both US and Mexican elections, Mexican citizens voted in both polls — in the cities along the border there was no difference. They didn’t care.
But here and now we have to care because it is the law. Fine, check drivers license for age and home address.
Okay, what mega system? I know of multiple states that implemented this in less than a year, voter registration and drivers license/state id cards have the same information. If you have a DL or SID but no VR fill in the data and send notice to the address given on the DL.
I realize I am being a bit simplistic with this, but that is deliberate because I think you are looking for problems with this article. There will be problems, but the issues will be of scale rather than the impossible to overcome systemic problems that you see at the base of the proposal.